Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Brandon starts Preschool!

Really where did the time go? My baby is now going to preschool!! He is attending Greenwich Preschool which is about 5 min from our house. He goes Tues/Thurs from 9-12. His first day was today and it was successful!

Teacher: Ms. Chasity Spittle
Assistant: Haley Griffis

What he wants to be when he grows up: Firefighter
Favorite Color: Red & Brown
Favorite TV show: TMNT & Tom and Jerry
Favorite sport: Soccer

He was all decked out in his TMNT gear today:) Tucker and I missed him while he was at school and we were excited to go pick him up!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Updates on the Boys

Since I've been slacking on updating my blog on a regular basis- I'm going to do a quick overview of updates on the boys!

Brandon is going to 4 in only two months and it's really so hard to believe! He is going to start preschool in Sept at Greenwich and will go Tues/Thurs from 9-12. We are so excited to see him go to school because we know he is going to do great! His reasoning skills at his age are crazy and I'm pretty sure he is going to outsmart Josh and myself soon! He also took swimming lessons over the summer which really tested my patience because he is such a dare devil. He "thinks" he can swim so he would just jump in where he can't reach. I must say that he can swim a little but by no means can  he do it by himself yet! He also learned the very beginning of water skiing and is such a natural at it- he makes it look so easy. He is also going to start soccer again in the Fall- he loved so I'm hoping we can stick with it! Some funny/cute things that Brandon says: "are you sneakin on me", "tucker is my buddy, I love him", "I'm getting sooooo big- my knees are getting longer", "I weigh 36 pounds, that is almost 100 and almost as big as Uncle Joel". Tonight Brandon actually rode his bike (with training wheels) for the longest distance yet... 3.6 miles! He really did such a great job and I was super impressed! He is in love with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Cars, Planes, Doing puzzles, Playing outside.

Tucker is almost 21 months old! He is our little guy and we call him lots of nick names (Tuck J, Shorty, Crazy Legs, Tuck) He is really starting to talk now and his vocabulary is growing. He is in love with dogs, geese, birds, flies, bugs, planes. He also LOVES following Brandon around like his shadow. Everything Brandon does he does and it's so cute. Tucker also loves to eat and we call him a scavenger. He can eat 3-5 pancakes for breakfast and a banana- it's quite impressive because I'm not sure where it all goes. He is just starting to get 4 more teeth (D's) he is just so slow with tooth eruption. He also loves pushing the ride on toys around outside and can actually go a pretty far way with his little legs. His most favorite things to say are Papa and Boat- he is slightly obsessed. He can also keep himself busy playing with trucks- he could play for hours if no one bothered him. I feel like before we know it Tucker is going to be 2! Where did my babies go:(

Monday, May 5, 2014


We decided to put Brandon in soccer this year. He is in the Warrenton Youth Sports Club and practices every Sunday for 1 hour. He is on a U5 team- meaning he is with kids ages 3-5. These are pictures from the very first practice on April 6th. He immediately took to the coach and to our surprise listened very well. He is learning how to dribble and control the soccer ball. They haven't had any games and not sure if they will at this age group however it is so nice watching him out there. Tucker wants to be apart of what Brandon is doing and is a crazy man while we watch practice.

Easter (a little late)

We were able to spend Easter at the Lake this year and boy did we have fun!! It was so nice out the kids went on a hunt in their swimsuits. The Crowley's came down this year to check out the house and to spend some time with the children. We went on a couple boat rides on the new party boat. Some of the kids even braved the cold water and went down the brand new slide. We had a blast and are looking forward to the weather warming up.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Snow- Feb 12

So now that things have actually slowed down in my life (I'll explain later) I can get back to blogging:) We had a pretty big snow storm hit us on Feb. 12th and we were able to get outside and enjoy it! It was the perfect the snow to build a snowman and throw snowballs. We had such a great time.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Tucker is 1

This past month (Dec 2012) was quite crazy for us- so I apologize for the lack of posts. We sold our house, moved ourselves, went on a Disney cruise, celebrated Tucker's 1st Birthday, went to Seaworld, everyone got sicks (Norovirus), Christmas, New Year's and then Josh topped everything off with getting the flu! Now that we are settled for a few months until our house is built, I will hopefully catch up on some pictures & posts! I was able to get some pictures taken of our sweet Tucker Boy:) We originally tried getting pictures outside but he wasn't having it…. it was cold and we have a spoiled boy on our hands:) Tucker is really starting to take off walking now- which is exciting!! It has taken him a little bit longer than Brandon but it that's ok with me:) His personality is starting to shine through as well- he is a cuddly, sweet boy but does have a temper if he doesn't get what he wants. (ie. Throwing himself on the floor, crying instantly when you say NO, and almost always cries when you put him down for nap but it only lasts for about 2 min) He has two lower teeth and his two upper teeth are cutting through now. We love this little boy- Happy Birthday Sweet Tucker:)

Monday, November 11, 2013


Yes a little late... but here are some pictures of Halloween:) Brandon- a pirate, Tucker- a football player. We decided to hit up Grandma's neighborhood this year and did about a mile loop. The kids had such a great time... not sure if it's because they were all together or that they are all getting more into Halloween with each year. This definitely was the first year that Brandon really enjoyed Halloween. He wanted to be first to every house, get the most candy and had the most steam out of everyone. He was running so hard he even asked someone for water after he said "trick or treat". It was hilarious.... Tucker was just there for the ride, however he was the cutest little football player ever.


Ready to go 

All the candy!

Little football player